
parallel universes and palatial perversions

It's so true, Marie-Soleil is pants down the funniest lady around. She must live in a parallel universe or something.
Why doesn't she ask us over for a visit? God, what's her fucking problem? Funny she may be, but we'll see whose laughing when she -- when -- when she... fuck. Nothing bad can happen when you live in a parallel universe! Direct traffic, whack 'em with a banana clip, no problem!
It's time to crack the briefcase, and pull out my portable hole. Hm, that sounds pervy, heheh. What's happening to me? I have a filth ridden mind all the time lately. Positively cess ridden! Where is this coming from?! I'm evidently entering a parallel universe of perversion! Oh well, I guess that's good. As long as it's a parallel universe I don't have to worry about STDs! Ack! I'm possessed. Still, it's just parallel, just parallel.
So far the library seems to be the seam between the two universes. If I watch hard enough maybe I'll see some other people moving in and out. In and out. Hee.
On a different tangent of perversion. I've been inspired since talking to CheRRyPits this afternoon to concentrate on making friends with other red-headed people. How sick and funny it would be to have a huge gang of only red-headed friends. Or, at least to only be seen in the company of other redheads. So far I have one pseudo-friend with red hair, male. Then there's Richie who I suppose I'll have to start harassing. Plus Cherry promised me a redheaded female friend. And I know I've met at least 2 other girls w/ red hair at the last grad students "party". I'll have to go to the GSA Halloween thing and find them again.
o boy.

pansycline at 8:42 p.m.

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