

Pt II.
I forgot to say.
Last night I dreamed about trying to trick boys into getting me pregnant.

And 2 nights ago I had a brutal murder dream.
Here are the details:
Some men knocked on my door and when I opened it they came it and were menacing me.
So I started to leave and they told me if I left they would kill me.
I thought, yeah right, if I stay they'll kill me!
So I left and ran down the street and into this family's house and hid in the corner behind their table where they were eating dinner.
And the murderer (only one now) came into their house and started sneaking up to the table.
And I saw him but they didn't.
Then, I saw his face disappear from right at the edge of the table... and suddenly the little boy eating his dinner got stabbed in the back, through his chair and I saw him gasp and die.
Then the murderer started lunging over the table at me and the dad grabbed the knife from him and cut his (the murderer's) arm off.
But somehow he still managed to reach toward me and grab the butter knife from by my plate and start jabbing me with it.
So I grabbed the steak knife a started banging on his arm with it... rather ineffectually I am ashamed to say.
And that's it. I don't remember how it ended. Probably I turned over.

Sweet Jane.

pansycline at 2:11 p.m.

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