
Han Solo's gonna show you what love's all about

Today, I have been informed, I have Han Solo hair.

God, I'm starting to see people that aren't there again. No faces so far, though. Whew!

I've decided not to go anywhere except to the store until all the snow is gone. I have had it. Up to here [choose your level]. Although, there's free beer at school tomorrow night (if today is Wednesday, that is).
Ok, after that.
Actually, it's a "Free Chili & Beer" party, put on by the Religious Students' Association. [You know, I bet I'm wrong about that. I bet it's actually called the Religion Students' Association. What a realization! Now that my eyes have been opened, a whole new and beautiful galaxy has appeared!]
I went last year and it was mostly undergrad guys, many of whose papers I graded that semester. But whatever - at least no one was yelling 'Toga!' How could I pass up a free fartin' n' burpin' party?!

Disco music is really all about sex madness! Somehow in the seventies peoples souls migrated into their briefs and bloomers. What happened to all those people? oh right.
Of course also herpes and stuff. That all gives the term "Stayin' Alive" a Whole New Dimension. Like, a whirling cosmos of techni-colored understanding, man. "Hot Stuff"?
Tabasco pee.

Still like singing along, though. Which reminds me, I think that's why I'm becoming such an old fogey about new musics. The stuff that's good lyrically and musically you can't sing along to, mostly, and the stuff that you can sing along to is the worst garbage that I'd slit my throat before letting that kind of shit through it and into my mouth.
I know disco isn't the best example of something better than radio fodder, but it is, actually, better [I'm thinking particularly of Funkytown right now].
So anyhow, I think that's why I'm so fussy. I find things now and then I can sing and/or dance to, though. With lyrics that don't make me cringe.

Please don't take this as a plea for suggestions. I shit on your suggestions.

There I go again, talking about poo at a party.

One day I told G that the MC5 is 100% cock rock and he got so mad! But come on, the guy is practically doing it to himself right in your ear! It was funny. I made that argument to him and he got a pained look on his face, like I had just ruined something precious for him.
- also the MC5 were chauvinist knobs, thus tripling their cockmasterousness.

okay that's enough for today.

Don't forget what to do if your right hand causes you to sin.

pansycline at 4:07 p.m.

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