
ok, take a deep breath. deeper...

Well, since it's a long weekend, and people don't update on long weekends, I will! because all I'm doing for fun is studying! That's right -- another big exam (this time on Christianity!! from 0 to now! all over the world! but mostly the Western part of it.) that I write on Tuesday. Then, 13 days after that, I take my oral comprehensive and then it's HOLIDAYS!! for 3 weeks!! and I'm done all my exams except my GRE's in the process of attaining my master's degree in the history and philosophy of religion!! I'm pretty excited, actually, as you may guess by the liberal (and I don't mean fiscal!) use of exclamation marks in the above so-called sentences.

and, breathe.


also, I moved into my new maxi pad last weekend. Me lIkey!! I haven't had time to even unpack all the way yet, but I've been daydreaming about colors and chalkboards and 40s furniture from the Salvation Army, in between martyrs, crusades (cursades?), popes, kings, monks, reformers and all that jazzola.

The first thing after my exam that I will do, I think, is go shoes shopping. I need a pair for the wedding in September, and as long as I'm not exhausted -- oh wait. Never mind. I'll have bags of books in my arms for with to prepare for the oral. hohum.

everytime I write "oral", I think "oh, haha, it looks like I'm referring to oral sex." but then I write "oral examination" and it looks like I'm going to the dentist. but "oral comprehensive" just is a nothing phrase, so I'm gonna have to stick with "the oralizer".

so yeah, I have to load up on books to review for the oralizer, during which I am oralizingly tested on those things which I missed or could have said more about on the writalizer. (I like the letter 'z'.) Note that I did not say "things which I got wrong on the writalizer." This is because pansy doesn't get things wrong on the writalizers.

Let's all say this together now!! I mean (softly) ...together now: (1-2-3) "Pansy doesn't get things wrong on the writalizers."

Once more, for fun: "Pansy doesn't get things wrong on the writalizers."

Great guys!! That was awesome!! If you all could just continue to repeat that into the cosmos until late Tuesday afternoon then that should make up for the undoubtedly large number of things I'll have forgotten or, simply not studied at all. Thanks. Thanks again.

As you can see, I'm a bit distracted by this exam. I should be writing all about the grandness of my new OWN place. But I'll do that later. Oh, I put something about it in the myspace space area center blog page today, if u are procrastinating like I know you are.

oh yeah and check this out: grass baskets -- brass gaskets -- !! I was (am) excited when I realized that it makes words in real combinations both ways to switch the first consonants.

keep on that breathing!

pansycline at 12:09 a.m.

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