
I. Need. Discipline!

I am in the midst of reading and grading 300, yes, 300, reading reflections for the online course I'm T.A.ing. I just realized that, at about 1 page each, I have a 300 page book to read, through, of basically repetetive ideas, in the next few days. Goodbye interesting economics books! glaaaahhhh.

Things are good though. I'm busy like a busy and purposeful animal. I got the information package that I ordered from Harvard Divinity School in the mail today. HOoray! I'm excited to gander at it. Perhaps in my bath tomorrow, as I have to bathe, not shower, until I manage to finish fixing the wall in there.

Maybe my mom will phone me tomorrow and I can sand and paint while I'm talking to her. I talked to my sister today for a while, and got my dishes and some sanding done during that, so, very good. She told me she's impressed with my discipline. I have yet to be so, but we'll see. I bought a book about macrobiotics today, and I'm going to try and slowly steer my diet in that ultimately healthful direction. I'm not sure how well I'll do in the chocolate elimination, and I don't like carob, but if figure if I do well for the rest, then some chocolate now and then is not so bad.

Now that's discipline! Maybe I'll go swimming on Friday. That would be discipline, too. No wait, real discipline will be not getting drunk at the various Pop Montreal shows I'm going to in the next week. I'll do my best, but I make no promises. Mama likes her booze.

Haha, I'm reading a reflection that talks about how "scholars and people, alike," think blah de blah. Maybe I'll find this less funny in the am.

pansycline at 12:14 a.m.

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