
I Review 3 One-Man Bands, One of Which also Has a Woman In It

Just got home from seeing Billy Childish play.

Opening acts were a guy from Q & Not U -- terreeblah, tereeblah. All his songs sounded the same and I could not get into them, and therefore I was forced to watch his sex face.

First opener was also a solo guy whose name I, probably fortunately because this review is ambiguous, forget. He definitely had his moments. All in all it was like watching the bastard child of a menage a trois between Daniel Johnston, that guy from the Weakerthans, and Phoebe from Friends. That about sums that up.

Billy Childish was wonderful, inspirational, real, honest, and very very moustachioed. And his wife is so gorgeous. And also sings and plays bass. Possibly more will be discussed about that later -- this was one of those shows that makes you remember the point of what you're doing, and also all the things that you're not doing.

pansycline at 3:20 a.m.

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