
and the drums went, !BANG!

Quietly, I'm judging you
with your overdone 'dos
and your tragic tattoos.

- by... ME! ha.

YeAH, I went to see Black Mountain last night. I somehow inadvertently went to possibly the most pretensiously arty show of all of PopMontreal. Well, maybe. Anyways -- I got over myself and my hypercriticism and the show was effing wicked. word. I drank enough wine to feel profound.

The opening band was Ladyhawk, also from Vancouver as were the other 2 bands. They kicked my butts -- and I was surprised, as they had a pretty underwhelming start, in my opinyah. But they pulled it all out and whippped it all around, by the end.

Then was Blood Meridian. Poo-bah, boring, don't go.

Then there was Black Mountain and that shit was a-oK!! They did a magnifico encore, as well.

I know that I didn't say what kind of music any of these bands play. Because I hadn't heard any of them play at all before I went, and it was fun to be surprised for once. [In fact, I didn't go see the Deadly Snakes, who I know and love and who put on a great show and played also last night, in favor of seeing something that I'd never heard but had been told was very good. Ballsy, hey? I know.]
So, I'm not telling. In case you haven't heard them and in case you end up going to see them.

Gotta go.

Hey, and I got a table and chairs today! Whoo-hoo! Who's up for Scrabble?

pansycline at 7:18 p.m.

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