
Drunk With Power

Big day yesterday!! Big success!!

I presented a 10 minute response paper to the keynote address at a symposium at my school and it was roundly approved of!! Yes! The best part is that the keynote speaker was a person whose work I really like and who is a colleague of a person who I would like to work with for my PhD. And the speaker liked my response very much (asked for a copy, even!). The co-ordinator of the event invited me out to dinner with the speaker, and herself, and two other faculty members, and so I went, and it was very great and at the end of the night when I was saying my "goodbye, it was a real pleasure to meet you"s, the guy said that he was going to be seeing his colleague this week and that he would tell them about me and to take a very good look at my application when it come through!! This is super ultra nerdy, I know, but really -- a well-respected ethicist in an area that is important to me, telling his colleague, another very well known and respected scholar, to look out for my application?! Fuck! I'm still freaking out with glee now!

I was so excited yesterday that I stayed up until 4:30 drinking wine and talking!

In other news:

Tonight are a couple of events at the department put on by the undergrad Religion Students Association. The first one is a wine and cheese meet n' greet (that phrase always reminds me of surf n' turf) with the profs, from 5 - 7 or 8, and then is a Chili n' Beer (i.e. fartin' and burpin') party. Neither is really for graduate students, but I and a few other of the "cool" graduate students were informally invited, and so I have already had a glass of wine and some cheese, and will likely head on over for more free beverages after this.

Also... for more young young young undergrad boys checking me out and hitting on me! I don't know how to put that without sounding arrogant, but it's terribly true. I'm not trying to tell you guys all about how attractive I clearly am -- it's just so weird and funny and... somewhat uncomfortable.
But mostly entertaining.
Usually we get into some kind of conversation where I am asking them far more difficult questions about what they do and think than they were expecting, and/or making fun of things they are drunkenly proclaiming. If they're still sober, though, we usually converse for awhile and eventually it comes out that I'm finishing my master's. They blink but continue, and then it often eventually comes out how old I am -- and then they blink and run away. So funny.
"Bugsy... Brown."
Just today I met a nice young man who was 6 years old when Dances With Wolves came out -- I was in junior high, I believe, or high school. Meaning I am at least 8, if not 10 years older than him. Needless to say he didn't get my Kevin Costner joke.
oh well.

Need food now.

pansycline at 6:38 p.m.

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