
Times You Know You're On the Right Path Are Reassuring

You Are [I am!]a Plain Ole Cup of Joe

But don't think plain - instead think, uncomplicated
You're [that means, me] a low maintenance kind of girl... who can hang with the guys
Down to earth, easy going, and fun! Yup, that's you [me]: the friend everyone invites.
And you're [I'm] dependable too. Both for a laugh and a sympathetic ear.

No, not you! Me!!

These quiz results are always so poorly composed.

What Kind Of Coffee Are You? Take This Quiz :-)

I am also A Cat Rescuer.
Yup, yesterday I adopted a 9 year old cool cat from a stranger. The previous mom is, today, leaving the country for 2 years and it was either give the cat away or put it "to sleep".
So, I saved it [him, I mean, him]! And really it was a cosmic occurrence, because when I called her [the previous mom -- I'll have to think of a shorter title for her], her ride to the vet to kill poor Bouli had just cancelled, so she was trying to think of a different way to get there. I called when she would have been in the car, had all gone according to her plans.
Therefore I conclude that Bouli and I are meant to be. He likes me, that's for sure. Even though he's depressed and really hot [as in, overheated, because the heatwave is back! Part II, Heatwave Redux. Reflux?]. He slept on my bed last night though, that was cute. And he meows when he wants to be picked up! And he's so fat that you have to pick him up like a toddler, under the armpits! heeheeha!
People are nuts for only adopting kittens. Older cats are way cooler!

mmm. I wish I had some nuts right now. Some walnuts.

pansycline at 5:15 p.m.

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