
feel like making love

this morning my landlords woke me up with their LOUD "lovemaking" directly above my bedroom. who says romance is dead?!
- I should qualify - it is the landlady who makes the noise. not surprisingly. thank goodness they're a hot young couple. if I think about some of my past landlords, in the same situation... yikes!

in other news, I am feeling somewhat better about this heart-shmushing situation. I know this because I really feel bad only at night when I'm tired and the man has been filling the house with his "sad vibes" for the hours between his getting home from work and going to bed. It truly is exhausting, but during the day, and even at night when I'm trying to sleep, I feel actually quite exhilarated. I hope that the reality, when it comes, is as great as I'm imagining it to be.

oh, and ps, you'll never believe this, but I know this person, who knows this guy, and the guy's little brother... has a WART!!! hah! I can't believe it.

pansycline at 12:48 p.m.

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