
bored vs. boring

lalala. i need to get over this weirdness of writing a "diary" that other people might read and that is up for judgment. Maybe it's me that's so judgmental, and I'm just universalizing (15$ word!) my perceptions / thoughts, but whatever, I still have to get used to this space. Anyways. I am very judgmental and critical. So too bad. Most things are shit and most people don't think enough. The end. I don't feel bad.
I'm having the red wine. The ex avec whom I live says I'm being a "hardass" lately. Because he was saying something about "just being nice" and "just wanting me [me, not him - though him via me] to be happy" and I said, don't you think 'nice' and 'happy' are fairly vacuous terms? And he became upset.
Because he's oversensitive and he's not even engaging with what I'm suggesting, he's just taking it as brutal criticism and hardassedness. So let him. It's not my fault and it's not even that brutal. At least I don't tell him he's boring.
At least he doesn't tell me I'm boring. Just that he's continually bored. But is it your fault or theirs if people around you are bored? I would say that it's the bored person's problem, non? There's always something to do, to smash, to paint, to read, to look at, to clean (ack - I'm my mom), somewhere to go, something to start or finish.
Boredom is such a tragedy. Altogether now, a requiem for the bored -- you can't convince them there's no reason to be bored. You know why? Because bored people look to be entertained. Which makes perfect sense... entertainment "nowadays" is skull-numbingly dull. Repetetive, ugly, stupid, etc. So what, you're going to convince them that there are exciting ways to be entertained? Nossir.
Hurray, I have found the key to the cosmos! Tomorrow, wheels all around!!
Nighty night.

pansycline at 1:39 a.m.

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