
lesbian seagull

le fight le fight le fight. Am I right or am I a bitch? Both, maybe? Or am I supposed to make an effort to be sympathetic and tactful and gentle until the end of time... seems to me these methods are overrated in the realm of actually working. Sometimes a girl's got to get le mad. Get le mad, give le evil eye, and not care about the pouting of the autre personne. Who likes a baby?
Pas moi.
I got my hair cut, by the way. Everyone thinks I look like a lesbian. Whatever a lesbian looks like. You should see all these "non-conforming" artistic type people cringe when someone they know opts to look like "a lesbian" instead of like them. I do like these people, but it's weird how people don't realize what they actually think. Probably, though, it doesn't help that I'm insisting on wearing my nouveau hairdo slicked back like a greaser. It's quite absolument ridiculously hilarious -- at least it gives me a giggle. Maybe I'll start wearing a pack of smokes rolled up in my sleeve and spitting, and grabbing folks' butts.
Lesbianly yours,

pansycline at 10:04 a.m.

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