
to be continued immediately after this

I go a walkin' after midnight... hey, it's not even midnight. Whudda lazy, lolling, sunday kinda friday night.
I don't feel bad. I'm not the only one talking to myself right now -- that's right the diaryland "add an entry" option took 3 - count'em3 - tries because the, quote, server was overloaded.
so, I'm alone, I'm having beer. well I just finished my beer. should I have another? what's that? have another kingcan? what's this song suddenly I hear? when the feelings right I'm gonna run all night? I'm gonna run to you?
I'm gonna run to you!
Here I go!
Maybe I'll go for a cigaretto, too. In a minute, jeez can't you see I'm having a conversation here?! fuckin' guy.
so that's that eh.
today I read about the Early Church. My prof hasn't updated the reading list since 1998, and in 1998 I think he just updated the part that said when he updated it since. This book was written in 1967, and it is a Penguin Classic... what? Yes, I do attend an "accredited institution"!! Go die!
So anyways, it's a Penguin Classic
-- I said Go Die!!
-- and it's written for someone who knows absolutely nothing about Xn history and who has a real wide open throat and a nice spacious cranium. I suppose it's just suppose to be a quick review of general points and we're expected to know what these points are, but still... I read every single word no matter what!! and memorize them!! because, like i said before, if you are a newcomer (welcome) I am paranoid.
luckily I only memorize the words in my short term bank, so I don't waste preciouis space on ye olde hard drive.
So, I'm going to go outside and smoke and hope no one thinks I'm a hooker.
Ah, just a minute, I didn't even start my beer yet.
This better not disappear while I go to the fridge.
I'll just "add" it and start a new one.

pansycline at 11:42 p.m.

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