
moon shadow moon shadow

Oh, this box is just fine, thanks.

So, les midterm exams are complete!! I only gave 3 or 4 Fs and one or two As! No A+s this time!

It's fun having strokes of genius. I can't believe I haven't been hospitalized yet! HOOOEE.

Didn't go to New York. Oh well, now I have a new birth certificate. And why not? Because the document did not arrive on time. Alas and alack. I still believe the cosmos exists, though. I'm just not sure it's really on anyone's side. Or perhaps I haven't been contributing enough positive vibruses to reap the benefits lately. Or definitely that's the case.

Well, whatever. Fuck the cosmos if it's gonna be so touchy. God, give a girl a break.

Time to go mill around.

pansycline at 8:55 p.m.

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