
I love my self

Bush has won. That being said, one benefit is that there are many American men and women looking for a Canadian mate. See www.marryanamerican.ca.

I am passing a splendid geekend with my books, thesis proposal, and mcgill library study carrels. Hopefully, I will find one not near a window. Ugh. je hate les breezes.

Instead of a boob grab, which, who doesn't need those from time to time, or more? I will rub my sad little lumps on the table and pretend I have a very thin friend.

What's Alberta doing for New Years? Frank and I are hoping for some wholesome sort of fun, with bottles of whiskey hidden in the woods. Any single, cute, funny, non-falling-in-love and over-the-age-of-24 type boys are welcome in our vicinities as well. I need some new lovin' to get into the fact that I have been single for 4.5 months. The ex is currently perusing the market and though I'm fine with it, and pry for all the details, I would like to be doing some shopping myself. Unfortunately, the prices are high and the goods substandard around here.

Or maybe I'm just not drunk enough.

Anyhoo, I don't care. I am a genius and I love myself. At least, I try to on a somewhat regular basis. I need some curtains on my living room window.


pansycline at 3:02 p.m.

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