
Copy Shop Boy

Today is the day!

I am making up a photocopy ruse and going for it. Oh god he's gonna see right through my flimsy excuse. When do I go to a copy centre? Never! I have a copy account at the department. Shit. Anyways he's probably married or some such poor decision.

Ungung. That is what the sound of chewing on my nails would be, if I were a nailbiter. But I'm not. I'm a pillow biter. Ha!

You can decide if I'm kidding or not.

Why do I always think males will make fun of me if they find out I think they're handsome and nice? Must be left over from Junior High. But I had terrible taste in grade 8. I would never fall for that dude again. Never say never, I know. Oh lordy what a catch-22 that one is! But really. I pray thee master. I prithee.

The Jehovah's Witnesses have been cramming in some door-to-door world improvement before it snows. Two days in a row they knocked on ours before we were even out of (our respective) bed(s)!!

ps, you know, even when you're the dumper it sucks when your ex starts eyeballing another girl. Even when he states explicitly that he still likes you more. What is it? I am single, he is single, we have each been single for a while, and yet I seethe with jealousy and automatically hate the filthy stupid cunt he's hanging out with. Sigh.

To the Copy Centre!!

pansycline at 8:15 a.m.

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