
ruin nation

"polls" apparently show that 62-66% of "the American public" (including children? I don't know) believes in the physical second coming of Christ.

What do you think?

I'm reading a book that essentially blames 9/11 on a non-literalist interpretation of the Bible and prophecy. Because Abraham, at 90, thought maybe God meant he would have a child with his youthful concubine instead of with his 70 year old wife, the nation of Ishmael (i.e. the Arabs) was born. 3000 years later, the symbolist sons o'bitches bomb the shit out of poor innocent god-fearin' America.

Sometimes I fear that the revulsion / nausea / horror / hate will push my eyes right out of my skull.

It's not that I hate Americans, a silly sentiment, but really -- where do people like this man come from? And the worst part is, do you know who it is?

I'm assuming your answer is no.

It is Tim LaHaye, co-author of the best-selling Christian apocalyptic fiction series, 'Left Behind'.

And by best-selling, I mean millions of copies in the US. Of course, it is a 12 book series, so I guess you could divide 'millions' by 12 and make that the average per book, which maybe makes the number of people who have collected the whole series.

I'm not comforted.

What is love?
Baby don't hurt me.

pansycline at 12:41 p.m.

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