
life is a mystery

It's true. Christmas season is officially over for yet another year. I'll be in mourning for my birthday until just under 6 months from now, when anticipation of the next birthday can begin.
Had a retarded New Year's Eve, as per usual. Broke some things, started drinking at 4am since I was driving and went to bed as the sun came up, around 8am. Slept 'til it was dark out again. Shocking!!!
I accomplished almost all of my visiting duties while in Dirtcity. Mr. Goodvibes + other friend Williams; Vance, Penny, and L'il Mo, of course; Maoismcar Marc of Litterbug (whose 2 new cds are AWESOME! you should try and hear them. pretty VU-ish); Terry at New City; G's mama et gramama; and Harry. I only missed Les Tabs. Oh well, I'm the closest to perfect out of all of us.
In other news: today is cold. I walked home from downtown L.A. and got snot all over the inside of my sister's scarf. The sisters' diary project is officially underway and looking spankingly fabu, if I do say so myself.
For some reason the cdplayer on my dad's computer is not playing. Could it be that his computer is 20 years old? Perhaps. Ah the mysteries of life.

pansycline at 5:04 p.m.

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