
sweet home frenchabama

well I'm back in frenchtown. G-pa is still at school... and oddly, I'm nervous to see him. We better get the wine on tonight.
I had a surprise pile of mail a-waitin' and buried in there was, miracle of miracles! a credit card! huzzah! I haven't qualified since I was 22 when I maxed out my Visa and tried to get away without paying.
My parents also gave me a Reader's Digest prescription. A little weird and old lady-ish, but it's the thought that counts and I always get a little hee-hoo out of 'Life's Like That'.
1/2 of my plants are mostly dead. I think I can revive them, though.
and, lastly, my new favorite phrase...
"gum-chewing asshole"
I think I oughta copyright it immediately!!
Love you like that old tablelegs saying says.
Marsha Marsha Marsha!

pansycline at 9:35 p.m.

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