
au secours

I did a good deed today. I found a wallet on the ground and tracked down the owner at work. All in francais! Slightly mortifying, but all in all I feel self-satisfied.

I also did a good deed on Tuesday. I found two keys and a toonie on the ground and brought the keys to someone who could find their owner. Kept the toonie. I needed photocopies.

Perhaps now that I've broadcast my greatness, I won't get my karmic reward for having done this stuff. We'll see. It's not like I'll be able to tell or not anyhow.

Since everything seems to happen in threes - or maybe I just stop noticing after 3 times - we'll see what good deed lies around the bend.

Stay tuned, for more exciting 1950s drama!

The other day, I noticed that we are going through dishsoap sort of rapidly. And I said it was crazy.


pansycline at 1:38 p.m.

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