
blar de blar?

I am so unmotivated today. I could / should be doing laundry, reading homework, doing $ work, making tea and painting even! but no, I'm listening to Joy Division and fiddlefartin' around online.
I did talk to my mom for an hour or so and clean the bathroom, though.



Today's Fascist Tendency :Somebody should just burn down all the McDonald�s and pour toxic chemicals into the ashes, once and for all.

Today's Solution To All Your Problems :It�s probably PMS.

Incidentally, it's raining and raining here today. Hence the Joy Division, I think. I love this grey wet weather. I've decided to plant sweetpeas in my garden this summer.

Gardening Rulz, so Step Off MoFo!

**Much Later**

I'm not clear on why my computer is making strange noises. Clearly all the warranties on all of my home gadgets / appliances expire in the spring. The fridge door is also squealing like something having too much fun early in the morning.

I told my mom a secret today that I had sworn not to tell anyone. There's something about talking to the mom, though. You want her to know you're doing things, not just sitting around getting increasingly shapeless. Not just humping things and drinking various liquids. After all, the-mom-don't-stop.

In case you didn't know, the pope died today. If anyone reading this is Catholic could you tell me whether or not you felt faint, dizzy, or otherwise spiritually mislaid at the moment the papacy was unfilled. Just leave a little note. Thanks.
Where in the universe, I wonder, does the spirit of God go between popes? It's all quite mysterious. I guess that's how God works, eh? [winkwink nudgenudge]

Today I can't stop listening to 'Transmission' by Joy Division. Oddly, I just realized it's kind of an appropriate funeral song for a dead pope.
Unfortunately I don't have the lyrics on hand so I can't poeticize y'all. You will have to take my word for it, or getcherown.

Last but not least, I have determined to not do anything but read and drink coffee tomorrow. As we all know, earning money for doing work makes the most exciting activity totally hellish, so in order to have a productive day I think I will take money-making off the menu. And that, meiner freunden [?], is all. For the next five seconds, anyhow.

oh ps, Ian Curtis, I kiss your black & blue, dead & rotted lips. You are wonderful.

pansycline at 4:27 p.m.

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