
I'm a fuckin' retard today


What will God say to you when you die?
You will say: AWESOME! They didn't catch me!
He will say: I am whole-heartedly disappointed in you.
How much do you deserve to be in heaven? - 84%
This cool quiz by megalomein - Taken 139863 Times.
New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice!

God must be my mom! I'm sure she won't be surprised to hear that.

okaaay, she's not really that bad. just really religious. I like to poke fun at her.

ps no offense at the "retard" title. obviously. I don't call people who have down's syndrome or are otherwise mentally challenged "retards". Only people who have no excuse for their behavior. Like me. If that's not good enough, well I don't know why we're friends.

pansycline at 11:05 p.m.

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