
there are swear words in here


that is a real song. sung by Cinderella, I do believe. who writes that shit and why is it part of the permanent repertoire of songs in my head? along w/ 'jesus loves me' -- but only in the night when I'm alone. it's true. I can't help it. I'll stab you if you ever sing that song to me in the night.

Considering I'm in the midst of quitting smoking cold turkey (more or less), I'm not 100% surprised to hear I'm being belligerent. But crazy? weird? I hate those words. They're so empty and void and crushingly wrong-making. For the millionth time I want to know who the fuck gets to judge what 'crazy' and 'weird' is. I just want to know. that's all. a simple question. no need to raise our voices here.

I'm not happy.

Decided to get a bike instead of a printer-scanner. Since I owe my parents $300 and haven't paid tuition yet this semester. A mode of transportaion is slightly more responsible. Plus they gave me $$ last summer to buy a bike and I spent it on groceries. What fun. Oh, sorry, by "they" I mean my parents. The unintentional shame they project I try to avoid more than ever these days because all of a sudden not only am I aware of it, it horrifies me. Sometimes I miss the days of total oblivion.
I'm hoping to win this essay contest I entered (obviously: a. I entered because I hope to win; b. I entered) which would allow me to get ahead in the big bad ugly black stinking poisonous miasma of money managing.

anyways, blardeblahblar all around. Imagine a situation. Now imagine me complaining about it. There, you've read my diary. Have an uplifting life.

pansycline at 1:23 a.m.

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