
You'll Never Know How Slow the Moments Go Until I'm Near To You.

So, my new tactic for dealing with the daily brutality of the neighbours' unreal musical affinities is to put in my own music, louder.
Is this childish? Passive-aggressive? Maybe. But it does seem to work pretty well. Not only does it drown out the incessant drum tap punctuated (today) by some kind of cheer/space sound, it seems to actually make them turn down a bit.

I'm not the GIANT asshole who cranks her music to "teach them a lesson". I just put it loud enough so I can't hear them anymore. And if between songs I've found that they've learned their lesson, well, I civilly lower my own volume as well.

The only problem with this is I don't always feel like listening to music at the same time they are, never mind sort of loudly. But today is Ella Fitzgerald, and it's hot and swampy in my own little house, so it's ok. In fact, it's perfect.

pansycline at 12:40 p.m.

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