
A Day of Great Accomplishments

For some odd odd reason, I have been slavering away at redoing my template for about 2 hours now.

Every few months I seem to feel that it is screeching-ambulance style necessary for me to learn some html. So there I go. My style of learning html is to download a template and then change it. I manage to change it by choosing some godawful color and inserting it into all the "color" slots in the html I've downloaded, until I figure out what means what, for the most part. Like, which parts are my entry, titles, etc.

This is pretty exciting...

I'm totally redickyoulessly exhausted right now. I had the worst cramps I've ever had in my life today. I swear my period-symptoms have been getting creepingly worse since this whole sordid "woman" business started. I just can't stand it.

I'm not a medicine-taking kind of person, because I don't think it's a good idea, in general, to drown out what your body is telling you about how it's doing. But cramps is a whole 'nother story. I am not sick. I am not hungover. I have had enough sleep. And yet, and yet, my guts insist on acting like they will drop out of my bottom at any second if I don't spend at least half my time writhing around on my bed.

So drown those spiteful fuckers out, I do. Today I took my usual 2 regular-strength ibubrofen. Didn't work. Took 2 more an hour later. Didn't work. Waited an hour because I don't want to od on OTC's -- finally got my roommate to go to the store and get real period medicine, of which he came back with Tylenol Menstrual, containing 500g acetaminophen/pill, of which I took 2 and about 15 minutes later was bombed for the rest of the day. Hallaylooyah! word.

and that is all you ever were wondering about my bleeding time.

pansycline at 2:23 a.m.

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