
Activities Seem More Like Adventures If You Open Your Eyes Really Wide And Squint At The Same Time

woah my good Ness! What a hilario-fantasmaridiculous weekend so far!

Starting on Thursday, since I promised to keep you posted, and, since my drinks and talking date confessed to me that he actually reads this diary [Hi Hugo!], I have had almost nothing but good good times. Maybe Thursday is the magic day now, considering that this coming Thursday Whitey Houston is in town. woop woop! That should be a retarded dance marathon bonanza supreme!

Anyways: I went and met the total stranger on Thursday. I always misjudge how far away this particular bar is from the metro, so I was walking and walking forever, becoming more and more terrified and dreadful as the sidewalk wore on. Asking myself why do I do this to myself, meeting strangers to talk about what? when I have a hard enough time talking to most people I actually have met before. But, I kept moving forward on my legs of lead, and as I neared the bar I saw him arrive and go in. So, at least I knew it wasn't some mean trick on me.

In I went, found him, and lo and behold he was completely pleasant and smily and... rather handsome! hooray! so I had fun. I'm pretty sure that by hometime I was blabbering and making less than great sense, but I always overdo it on the social lubricant. And so I slip right off. Oh well.

Also, I found out we're neighbours! I wish I knew this before. All the tea and cookies we've missed out on so far! This will have to begin immediately.

And, if Thursday wasn't enough of a personal challenge, I spent the entire next day hanging out with my depressed and negative ex-boyfriend. He was complaining complaining complaining, until at one point he mentioned some irritant of his, and I interrupted him with, "I know, you've told me a hundred times."

Subtle? No. Effective? Very. This is, however, one of those moments that makes him think I'm not nice. I should probably try to increase those moments. lalala.

Then last night some friends had a gala opening for their vintage/revamped/silk-screened clothing store at which I bought some silk-screened hand-sewn panties and drank way too much. And after which me and my dear friend A, who I had been counseling on how to pick up women (I realize now I know next to nothing about this topic), swaggered down to the meat market bar down the street, where we danced sexily with strangers and I tried to show him how making eye contact is the secret! It was incredibly hilarious and SOOOOO STUPID!!

There was one woman there with big poufy dead dyed red hair and my project was to show A how much it doesn't matter what you do if people think it's an accident. I touched her hair a billion times and even rubbed my face in it, and nothing happened!

yes. I'm 18 again sometimes. sigh.

then I stumbled home, alone, arriving at 4am. That was probably a less than brilliant move. I do recall running into some vietnamese kids in baggy clothes and giving them a cigarette, and also noticing a man watching me cross the street, which I acknowledged by stating, "I know I know, I'm pathetic." He laughed and told me to be careful. I think that's maybe late advice when a girl is walking down quiet streets alone in the wee hours, but I appreciated the well wishes anyways.

Oh, and I had pepper spray. I'm not a complete moron.

This morning I woke up in my socks and t-shirt, wondering what I did with my pants, and here I am. Safe! Basically sober, and ready for coffee.

Until next time, keep sniffling, you coke whores.

pansycline at 12:47 p.m.

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