
who needs 'em!

Well lordy lordie, my ladees, I have been rockin' out with my cocks n' things out since Saturday and what day is it today I barely even know but what I do know is that I found a MAC lipstick in the gutter on my way home from the groc store last week so I picked it up and I cleaned it and now it is definitely ripe.

I keep thinking about chickening out of my free trip to ottawa and the TO, but then I think "free trip, you ass"!! and decided to go again, even though I have small money and large work to avoid.

'twil be FUN!!!

I am having large fun with my visitor. I have chin burn and you know what that's from!!

That's right -- go-kart racing with too-tight helmet straps. ah well, that is the price we pay, yes, that is the price we pay. the price may not be right, but the helmets are still tight.

I am maximum overdrive ready and willin' to head on down to TO, dancin' drinkin' and gambling (only raisins) this coming weekend.

I have been drunkenly T.A.ing for nights upon nights. So far so good. I'm very very popular.

I cannot wait to see my friends of the universe and/or unireverse.

pansycline at 3:16 a.m.

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