
Risky Business

So, this could be my last entry ever.

I just went to make dinner (burritos) and discovered that last night when I made burritos I neglected to return the rice to the fridge. Curses! I said. Supposedly rice is even worse than meat with regards to the evil things that grow in it if you don't refrigerate it promptly and properly (that means covered, I think). I pondered for moment, my stomach grumbling, and then decided, what the hell, let's let science decide.

It smelled fine, so I used it anyhow. We shall see what happens. I really hope I don't get the terrible explosive intestinal crises that come from bad food. I hope, in fact, that the hearsay I heard was actually all lies and that eating rice left out overnight and for most of a day is totally fine. I'll let you know. In fact, I'll let the WHOLE WORLD know!!!

Why hide my light under a bushel? I ask you that.

In other news, I need a haircut. I'm debating cutting it myself since I'm broke, but I like the last hairdo I got and if I don't touch it, then technically when I get around to seeing a hairdresser they should be able to duplicate it. But... it's getting pretty big, and long in the front, and I think my too long bangs are giving me zits. Either that or my pillow case, but I just changed it so it's got to be the bangs if I'm not zit free by Thursday.

Oh yeah, and my big exciting test on Thursday. I'm studying MATH!! What the hayll do I need MATH for?! I'm not saying this in a grade 4, "I'll never use this freaking addition and division crap" kind of what do I need math for way. I'm saying it in the I'm 28 and I study religion and I live by myself and can calculate the best prices at the grocery store in my head (if I have to, now they have the convenient $/100g on every price sign!) and even make a budget, sort of, sort of way. I'm relearning geometry formulas, and algebra using symbols instead of real numbers, and also adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions, not to mention the delightful frolickings of FOIL, DRT, and PRTI. And I'm sure I'm missing something.

And the best part is? I'm paying for it.


Hm, there's something oddly soothing and "feng shui" about typing that. Try it!

By the by, the title of this entry just reminded me of that movie "Never Been Kissed", starring Drew Barrymore. What a hilarious movie. You must watch it! And feel free to give me it for my birthday. December 16!! whoop!

pansycline at 4:30 p.m.

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