
Shit When It's Together Is A Bigger Pile of Shit

Weell weeeeellll weeeelll, yet again at school every night this week. I'm really really trying hard to put in normal person #s of working hours, but I must say, I've always hated normal #s of working hours. It's 9:15 and I am so far at a grand total of 5 solid hours of work since 10am. do di do.

When I put it that way... it looks pretty bad!

I may have a crush on a boy. This may be distracting me.

I may also be depressed about not going home for 'smas. This may also be distracting me.

It might also be the case that I am burnt out of working working working for it feels like forever with not break in sight until mid-January.

It's quite possible that not having any money but having to pay tuition and also application fees is kind of simmering on the olde back burner.

And there's a good chance that it's 5 degrees above zero right now and I would much much much rather be walking around in the lovely balminess that's rare at the end of November, than be cocooned in the too-hot computer lab with a project I have no inspiration for, only a deep and dreadful fear of.

Other than that, though, I don't know why I don't just pull it together and whip this thing out!

Oh, right, and let me tell you about my date!!


I don't know what normal is, because despite my singleness I don't go on dates very much, but do people usually mess around and want to get it on with strangers who they've hung out with for a total of 2 hours?! ew! I was repulsed. Not to mention he was a terrible cold-mouthed kisser with a stiff tongue. So. Bad.

I ran away, never to return... his calls. bwah haha!! Well, ok, so he hasn't actually left any messages. That makes me unevil. Good.
I'll not be drunkenly handing out my phone number for a while now.

pansycline at 9:16 p.m.

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