
I'm not sure how much I love bunnies

Someone on a computer in here, that I can see the screen of if I pensively rest my face on my left fist and stare "into space" for a minute or so at a time, is erratically composing a petition for Jacob to stop selling rabbit fur.
Do I care about that? I'm not sure. Does anybody eat the rabbits? I heard rabbit is quite tasty, if you like chicken.
Why do I react so scornfully to such things? Is it because it seems like so much part of an image that the composers of such world-altering manifestos are cultivating while in college -- an image that I'm not terribly interested in being involved in, in any small way? Is this a cop-out on my part? I mean, if they're helping the rabbits, then what does it matter if I think it's dumb that they also don't use soap and act self-righteous about it?
All I have to do is sign my name, right? And yet, I won't. Maybe because I'd rather find out, first, what Jacob's policies are about humans. And I know this is "species-ism", pardon me for not being quite enlightened enough to see how all mammals are the very same.
Bearing that in mind, though, if Jacob paid the rabbits for fur, would everything be ok? I mean, paid their parents, I guess. ahem. so, anyways... I don't like bugs.

pansycline at 5:19 p.m.

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