
doing things a grown up might do

I just realized that I have had a mickey of Jack Daniels in my freezer for a week and it's been a 1/2 rough week and the other 1/2 a visiting week and the seal has not even been broken on that whiskey.

I must be some kind of gaylord!

oh, yeah, and also, for anyone who's interested (and/or saddened by the apathetic length of this entry) I wrote 3 soul-revealing blogs today on myspace. Why there? Because there, I am getting close to having 100 friends!!! which makes me feel like I am really hanging out with some sort of great gang, and we're all doing shots of jager and double jacks and vodka, and sloshing beer on each other and telling great jokes nonstop and some people are doing jigs and reels while other people are teaching me the bus stop and the electric slide. and no one is being gross and trying to take advantage of drunk chicks. at least, not in front of me. For real, guys. It's the life.

Not that you guys aren't a great gang or something. God. Did I just cram my foot down my throat? It's too big to get out. How's my hair? I love you?

so anyways -- the link is on the side of here.

oh, and I also just refound this link, and I still think it's hysterical; maybe you've seen it, but even so you might still get a giggle and a fart out of it.

I can't decide if "fart" is the world's grossest or funniest word.

pansycline at 1:14 a.m.

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