
I like food, food tastes good.

Yes, well, I've been notified that the absence of entries here has been noticed and even though I had resolved to only make comments and send privy messages, my ego can't take the heat and so must explode through my hands.

speaking of which. I just watched Barton Fink for the first time the other night, and it was great. I like the part where John Candy is walking down the hall that's on fire and yelling about the life of the mind. No. John Goodman. If only John Candy.

what I have been finding interesting lately, living the "life" of the mind myself for what seems like one very very long day during which I change clothes lay down close my eyes open my eyes get up change clothes again and between the changing of the clothes where my eyes are open sit and stare at paper and move pens around, is how when it comes to intellectual endeavors, the mind gets all the credit. but it all has to come out of the hands!

working on my thesis day in and day out makes my brain tired, but it also makes my hand cramp (and my back sore, and my legs restless and my hair greasy and my skin bad, but those are other stories, also sort of boring) and the other day I typed for 5 hours and if a truck ran over my hands or I became a paraplegic, sure I would still be able to read and think, but no way jose would I be writing anything. maybe dictating, but it's not the same. at least not for me. I guess I could learn.

and also my job is research assistant and the two things I need to be able to do it are my mind and my hands. well. eyes, legs and library card are also pretty handy.

anyway. I like the fact that all ideas, to be communicated, have to physically exit the body through the movement of some part, be it the hands or the mouth. I think I like it because I like mechanical things and I like touching things to get more understanding of them and I find the actual pen on paper of school work one of the most pleasant parts of it. how exhausting it would be to not use the body at all. not that writing is like exercising, but it's more than just thinking with your hand pointlessly holding your chin out.

and I am expecting a flood of lewd comments in response to this talk of "communicating w/ our bodies," so come on, I am ready. you secular humanist perverts.

also, today I baked 6 dozen chocolate chocolate chip cookies.

and, if you listen to the dialogue of What's Eating Gilbert Grape without watching the movie at the same time, you realize that it's full of cornball script and that the theme of the movie, "We're not going anywhere!" is actually thrown in your face over and over and over again but when you're watching the movie, the combo of Johnny Depp's wild mane + Leonardo DiCaprio and Juliette Lewis as retarded kids completely prevents you from noticing. I recommend not just listening to the dialogue of this movie.

pansycline at 11:57 p.m.

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