
stray rangers in the night

My room-mate / ex-bf (for those not yet in the know) has found a place to live in August. When he told me I got very sad and quiet. But I didn't say anything. I'm up and down like crazy these days, and all I know is that I have screwed into the back wall of my brain "I need out I need out I need out".
But it's weird how, once you vocalize something like that, you feel so much better that you almost lose touch with what made you feel so intensely.

I am in need of something new. And a new abode it shall be [if you read 'abode' like ah-bow-dee, that sentence rhymes, cool!]. I'll try not to repeat this entry in various ways for the next month and a half. Let's just understand that I understand that this is an underlying note in everything I say, do and think right now. Stress -- distress, eustress, stress, stress, stress.

enough of that.

from here on in I'm writing in the daytime. I don't know about you, but I get enough whinging from strangers at work.

oh ho ho, no, wait, I don't talk to anyone when I'm working. haha. dream job. soooooo close, to dream job.

If only I had a closet full of comedians, guest stars, and best friends to release into the room at will. I bet I could set that up.

pansycline at 12:41 a.m.

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