
my house, in the middle of my street, in the middle of my city, in the middle of my country, in the middle of my universe

so. I did it. I found an apartment for 1 and signed a lease. Yikes!

I'm moving in the next couple of weeks b/c the place was actually available for July and even though I paid rent here for July the new place is exactly what I want and it's only $400/month so I figured that compared to 5-somthing/month I would hand over the July rent and make my money back in four months. Well. Actually. My mom gave me the money, since I don't actually have that. So sweet of her. Even though I find it somewhat humiliating, but oh well, I am a student, apres tous.

Here is a description of the Max Pad (the house name I have chosen): 2 balconies -- both shared with the neighbours, a quiet Christian Colombian couple, who don't seem to use the balconies. The front balcony looks onto a busy street, so I'm just going to fill it with plants and maybe put a little stool out there for smoking or thinking if I'm in the mood for traffic. The back balcony looks onto an alley, which, in Montreal's non-downtown areas, means all of the yards of the neighbourhood. No one uses a front yard, because they're mostly only about 3 feet wide. But people really go all out on the back yards. My neighbour to the left, for example, has filled his/her back yard with gorgeous flowering trees. And directly across the ruelle is central HQ of a gang of hilarious little rugrats who swordfight and throw things at each other. My own personal yard leaves a bit to be desired, but I'm allowed to plant gardeny things if I want since the tenant who actually has access to the yard doesn't do anything with it except park his car there. Oh, and also, I have a clothesline!! and a washing machine! awesome! good bye laundromat!

aside from the balconies and alley, the place is on the third floor of a three story townhouse type thing. It is "double salon" style, meaning it has a big front room, hallway with bathroom, and a big back room. The front room will be my bed- / living-room, and the back room is the kitchen. It's mostly hardwood, except the bathroom has a tile floor and the kitchen has linoleum.

I absolutely absolutely can't wait. I really love the place I live right now, and when I think about it, it's quite a bit nicer than where I'm going, but, it's not mine.

mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine!!!

I'm painting the bathroom pink and mahogany (with, of course, guns). So there, no roommates!

pansycline at 11:58 a.m.

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