
the nosnows

Not a sock, a SOCK!!! Biff Baf Pow!! fleigen has cheered me up remarkably, as has thinking mean things, and getting e-mail from Frank Hollywood, who as yet is not a diarylander, but will be soon. In particular she suggested this "Positive thought for the day":

When you feel that nobody loves you,
Nobody cares for you, And everyone is ignoring you,
You should really ask yourself...
Am I TOO sexy?

It's aaaallll making sense now.

The other thing that brightened my otherwise fuckpuke day is I just found out that I have succeeded at two, yes, TWO things. I successfully closed my mailbox, AND I successfully signed out of Yahoo!Mail. Whewf!

Finally, to add to my list of great feats and peerless adventures, I have purchased, and am currently wielding, my very first Red Pen for Marking Papers. Oh, yes, and I am feeling like a snotty old bitch. How many times have I had to add "just kidding" after a comment so far? Only once, but we'll see how the night goes. Whoever said to keep your personal life separate from your business must be a cool cold mutha. Probably has one briefcase for business, one for personal. But it's ok, I'll overcompensate by giving too high marks.

Today, it snew [but it's gone already]. and one more thing. I just googled "feeling good about thinking mean things" and THERE WAS NOT ONE and then I tried, "feel good about thinking mean things" and still, STRIKE! So here. I am feeling good about thinking mean things, in fact, wonderful, and I will continue to think them until they go away by themselves. Please. I know I am not the only one. Why are people so in denial of their natures?

pansycline at 8:34 p.m.

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