
'at's raht!

Yesterday I baked banana bread, and made chili and did 5 hours of money work.

Today I have done nothing but 1.5 hours of money work.

I am feeling somewhat manic depressive. In the depressive part right now. I think I'm going to buy cigarettes.

I've been invited out to watch a movie and declined, but maybe I should get out. But then I have to walk home. It's not actually cold out, but low energy makes it seem colder.

I ate a whole bag of oreos this week. I guess that's not so bad. Except I ate 7 in a row today. I don't even know if that's bad. Probably i don't really care, since now I'm having beer, the other fatfatty maker.

CPC Gangbangs are playing tonight really close to my house and a girl I'd like to be friends with is going and told me about the show in the first place but I'm not going because I have NO, literally, ZERO cash money. How the worst. And last weekend I missed King Khan and BBQ for the same reason. I have Visa but fuck if I'm going to take cash out on that. I ain't no sucka, yo.

But I will not miss Guitar Wolf at the beginning of March. Still. I'm not in the mood for silver lining today, thank you.

Oh, and I got mad at Frank yesterday, which makes me feel horrible all around, even though I don't think I was overreacting. Like, I wasn't throwing dishes or anything. Not that she even could have known, but what I'm saying is I didn't do anything regrettable in my anger. It wasn't really that type of rage, anyhow.

I cannot wait to come to el grando fumero at the end of march. if i haven't started smoking again by then, I'm sure planning to smoke my mind out while I'm there. And drink like a fucking sink. Cherry, I'll not only piss on your clothes, I'll puke on them and hide them in drunken helpfulness.

That's right. Everyone's favorite side of my personality is comin' to goddam town. I'm gonna tell all your friends exactly what I think of them.

pansycline at 9:08 p.m.

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