
learning html... b/c I don't have 5,000 other things to do!!!

geegaw, I just spent an hour fucking around w/ html. I know nothing about it, but I figure as long as I can remember what I changed, if I break it I can fix it. There's a ton of free html tutorials online!

So far, I figured out how to do the title, how to change the background and text colors, and how to gigantify the squares that are part of the diaryland template -- and how to make the borders of them show up. Not too difficile, but I cannot figure out where to change the actual words that show up on the side, like "contact me", etc., or the color of that font. Also, I don't know the code for all the colors or fonts anyways, so I'm sticking with "Impact" for my experiments.
Oh wait, ok, I'm gonna finish this, and then go in the edit, and try to change some crap. we'll see how expert I am.

If there are things like underlines and font size differences, you'll know I had success.

pansycline at 1:06 p.m.

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