
breasts like tender coconuts

I am pleased to hear that we all heartily agree on the Oyster dress!! Now let's stop calling it that b/c it's reminding me of Tom Robbins' icky vagina references.
Val is right; let's call it the Veronica Lake. Bridezilla can be Veronica, I'll be Bridget, e-rad and mo will have to tussle it out over Betty - leaving Cherie and Vance the wide wide field of other luscious lovelies.
Hmmm. that would be an interesting bridesmaid theme: pin-up girls? maybe not for the dresses, but the reception?

In other news, it's snowing like a mad whore here, and I am on a cookie baking rampage. I like to decorate them ALL so that G has no choice but to take lightning bolt and heart cookies w/ him to his manly school.
I need another design though, that's also relatively easy, since I can't really draw / have little patience in the crafts realm.

speaking of which, I have been getting curious. what, exactly, is the 'crafternoon' and how do y'all make money at it? not that I want to usurp your capitalist enterprise, I'm just wondering.

pansycline at 5:44 p.m.

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