
questioningly, she looked at me

woah lordy do I ever not feel like doing work.

vacation felt good.

I asked my sister if the novelty has worn off of her baby yet. She said no, so I guess that's good.

Considering the kid's only 6 months.

She's coming to visit in 1.5 months, so that is my next time goal. Get Visa + Hydro paid off by then. Phoo. That would be pretty miraculous.

I wonder if "I believe in miracles" by ABBA has any power of mantra. Or was that, "I believe in angels". Yah it was. I'm sure there's one w/ miracle, though.

I changed my name to "kinky buttfreaks" on my weblog, to see if that might get me more new friends. we shall see.

pansycline at 9:21 p.m.

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