
I'm a nude superstar!

oh man, my last entry sucked.

I just remembered my "crazy dream" from last night from reading bobbysuprise's entry.

I was doing all this studying, as usual, and feeling pretty good about the paper / research I was working on. Then I had to get my picture taken for some reason. No big deal.

Then me & G went to our friends' house and we were sitting chatting, when all of a sudden they whip out this magazine and start laughing and yelling "Michelle's in Playboy!" And I looked, and there I was! Nude! 2 pictures! Me! In Playboy!

Fortunately the photographer had been so gracious as to take them from very forgiving angles. So forgiving that I hardly recognized myself! Also, only one picture was big, the other one was teeny tiny.

I was kind of embarassed, but mostly I was thinking how weird it was that I didn't remember being naked for those photos.

Then I was at a few parties in a row and I could see myself somehow and I had my arms crossed really tightly even though I felt like I was having fun.

Then after that suddenly I was a total sexpot sex symbol sexorama sex goddess. I had long sex hair, but I didn't go anywhere except to this really packed cafeteria where all the rig pigs were ogling me.

I still felt hot, though.

pansycline at 12:38 a.m.

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