
I know about lilacs

once upon a time I had a digestive system. bits and pieces of that once lovely machine are now surely swirling down under the streets of this salty city. how my stress and nervousness concentrates itself in my stomach and intestines is one of those miracles I have yet to comprehend the profundity of. fortunately, as of two hours ago, I have finished my first comprehensive exam!
If I'm careful, my innards should be able to regenerate between now and the end of June, when I am due to write the second exam. If, in fact, innards do that sort of thing. If not, well, I'm not opposed to the option of becoming bionic.

In other news (glorious news!) my little sister and her teeny weeny baby are arriving on my doorstep tomorrow! not in baskets with notes, thank goodness, I'm not sure I could heave them over the threshold in that condition, but on the airplane which I wish godspeed and good snacks. or is that good speed and godsnacks? godsmack? is that where that horrendous "music" group found their name? if so, I'll have to up their genius rage a mote. nowhere near my or your level, of course. in fact, still only visible on the atomic scale, which no one ever uses.

after I finish eating this dinner as though I've never experienced food before, I'll be off to the laundromat, where I hope to see some good specimens.

there was a beautiful one on the metro this morning. perhaps more incredible than I could even absorb at the time, considering my state of mind (and guts, don't forget guts). and here is a lesson in getting the good out of the bad:
the person sitting directly next to me smelled funny like meat and spices, so I turned my head away and there sitting next to the window across the aisle was an old man, dressed in a navy suit, white haired, with a black and navy small suitcase on his lap. his head was dipped forward a bit, I wasn't sure if he was sleeping, it seemed he might be praying because tucked in behind his hands and filling the space between his forehead and suitcase, was an overflowing bouquet of freshly picked lilacs (I know they were freshly picked because they didn't reek like wilting lilacs yet). It was so unbelievable gorgeous! I felt almost weepy. Ok, I was under extreme stress, but ... I wished I had a digital zoom camera and was sitting outside the car on the other side of the tracks, because I could have gotten a beautiful shot.

that's all.

it's sunny.

pansycline at 5:00 p.m.

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