
blossoming buttholes

I had a fantastic week with my sister and niece. a holiday, a real one, with outings and ice cream and everything!
but now it's 5:09 pm and I'm still in my pajamas because here I still am once they've gotten on the plane and I'm not so excited about that right now.

about being here, that is, not about being in my pajamas. though the latter is getting a little old now, too.

I planted my garden this week: mostly herbs and a little border of white and fuschia-purple alyssum. I don't know if they do, but I'm hoping the the alyssum (sp?) spreads like ground cover over the course of the summer. or june. whichever comes first. and that makes no sense unless you're privy to information I've decided to keep in only my head until the ripeness of it explodes into action.

I find myself constantly on the verge of typing "your" instead of "you're", in this here diary. one of the worst spelling ignorances out there, if you ask me. am I anal about spelling, grammar, and re-reading / thinking about the logic of cliches in ones sentences? yes.

pansycline at 5:09 p.m.

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