
anothah day anothah dullard

there's some crazy noises going on outside! I don't want to see what it is. I hope it's a raccoon, though. some dogs are barking.

today I bought a new shirt. I loved it in the store but it has the distinct possibility to look like a suburban-mom shirt. I will have to be careful about bottoms and accesorizing.

there was also a lovely skirt. so lovely. I didn't buy it. I regret that. despite my better judgment I'm going back tomorrow to get it. only $25! I'll work overtime.

in other news, I get to be a T.A. in the fall! hooray! I love t.a.-ing. This time, I won't be so scared for the lecture, and hopefully will do a better job. I wonder what class it will be.

there were stupid yelling people on the metro today. the car was half empty, with lots of sets of not only 2, but 3, seats empty -- perfect for carrying on conversation. but no. these people boarded and took two single seats, across the car from each other, next to benches with people on them. [I wish I could describe this: ok, there's a bench for two, facing forward and then a single seat, facing in, attached to the wall, sort of in front of the wall-side seat of each bench.] so they sat on two singles, and when the metro is largely empty it's really noisy with wind from the tunnels, so you have to yell. so they did. in my ears. with horrible voices.

why didn't you just move? you ask.

I did.


pansycline at 9:59 p.m.

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