
I've been meaning to tell you. [I've got this feeling that won't subside.]

I just thought I would let whoever's interested know that I tend, lately, to update my myspace blog more frequently [and, selon moi, interestingly] than the diaryland. I'm not sure why. I think the pictures have something to do with it. And that a number of my friends on there live in the same town as me?

anyhow, if you're any sort of log [why is weblog called 'blog'? it's not 'we blog' it's 'web log,' no? maybe it is 'we blog'... since we do.] addict like me, the link to my myspace blogs is at the bottom of here. Or else, the URL is http://www.myspace.com/pantyraiders.
There's an entry early on that sort of explains the 'pantyraiders' thing.

Have a great grand ol', every man's ordinary, opera kinda day! and weekend!

I'm going to my roommate / ex-boyfriend's trade school graduation tonITE!

I'll tell all about it [if it is at all interesting] somewhere.

p.s. I CANNOT beLIEVE, that no one wants the shoulder and bra pads. I WILL not believe it. Someone random is getting them for their birthday. And that it that.
You'll thank me later.

pansycline at 12:25 p.m.

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