
pioneer stylz!

today I'm saving money and the environment by letting my lunch bun thaw out in front of the hot air pouring in the window, instead of using the microwave.

though, I suppose that it's soaking up exhaust fumes by the second. mmm.

like it makes any difference if the bun soaks them up or I do.

Also, with regard to the summer I love, I've stopped even pretending to have a hairdo. I'm just letting it all stand up, so I can make max good use of my head sweat. I might try to flatten it a little when I go to school later today. But downtown's just gonna be a sizzlin' saucepan!

This reminds me of when I worked in an orchard in BC the summer that I was 19. I have red hair and the matching fair skin, but that summer I was almost as dark as my friend, who is part native. [that sounds kind of like a lie, doesn't it. Well, I thought I was that dark. Maybe I was crazy.] One day we got sent to weed the pumpkin patch, which was the most desolate, dry part of the whole place. The dirt was all dry and crumbly and getting in our shoes, so we took them off --- and got massive heat blisters on the bottoms of our feet!
But right over the fence was the neighbour's cherry orchard, replete with sprinkler! so we hopped on over and cooled off every once in a while. what a great great day!

here's hoping for sprinklers in the downtown desert.

pansycline at 2:06 p.m.

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