
cat's eyes

I think I am afraid of cats.

This guy that I saved from certain death is cute and funny and all, he chases strings and rolls around on his back and sits on his butt to clean his giant gut and all that, but I just don't trust him.

Besides the fact that he keeps biting me just when I think we've come to a mutual understanding about my arms being arms and not enemies, I just don't trust cats much in general. I try, I really really try, because they are furry and purry and better than nothing at all living in the house besides oneself, some times.

But g-d it... cats are creepy! Their faces are just too human like! And they act all stupid when it's convenient but they really are not stupid at all -- plus they don't have to deal with all the garbage that accompanies functioning in the human sphere, and so their mental strength is not scattered around wastefully like ours is. I can't get around the feeling that he is boring straight into my mind when he looks at me. And this is not the only cat that I have gotten this from.

So, sad to say, and I might be a little lonely, I think mr. bouli will have to go home with mr. ex-boyfriend at moving time. I just can't handle the little weirdo.

In other news, I am sick sick sick of working!!!!!!!
and I have a new tank top with thin straps that are loose and cross in the back. It's super comfy because the weather here lately feels like being hugged by ones extra-fleshy old auntie at a wedding day in and day out (suffocatingly hot and moist), but the straps are loose and I keep thinking some gross bug (haha I wrote but accidentally there) is on me when they move around. So that's f-in stressful.

also, something weirder than cats: the professor who I work for as a research assistant was in London recently. And... drum roll please...
SHE SAW THE BUS EXPLODE!! "holy shit" "yeah, I know, that's what I said" -- she was only one block away.
She was also in S. India when the tsunami hit, last December. So needless to say she's not invited to my wedding.

pansycline at 7:35 p.m.

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