
and in the end, the breaks you take are equal to the breaks you can get away with.

da da daaa!
I have finished all of my comprehensive exams!!
what I have been studying for non-stop (besides this online "studying") since I don't know when... January or February, I guess. Has it really been for that long? I feel like I'm forgetting something else I must have been doing.

I should just admit I have time management problems. Ok. I admit it.

Moving on.

This means that all I have left to do in my M.A. is my thesis! Yup! That's it! Exclamation mark! no problem. I'm just gonna blow it off in a few months and come January, at long long last, I shall be the Mistress of Arts, Master of the Universe-ity!

I'm really going to have to get cracking on convincing them to give me a Mistress' degree, instead of a Master's. I'll head on over to the Women's Studies department after I get back from my holiday.

Oh yes, haha. I am leaving for 2 and a bit weeks of lounging, wine, wedding, song, and BBQs in my good old home province d'Alberta. I can absolutely not wait. Thank J.H.C. I don't have to.

So, probably I won't be writing in here much for a while. Since I am finally FREE... FREE... FREEEEEEEEEE!!! from this desk, this kitchen, this computer, these books, and pens and all of these tiny pieces of paper that I can hardly read anymore, I've been shuffling them around avoiding them for so long. Once I can't read them, they go in the trash, and my conscience is clear.

Happy August - September, all.
Keep on keepin' on, or whatever -- keep doing laundry. Society depends on it.

pansycline at 10:00 p.m.

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