
Kissing Makes Weird Noises

I should also like to add, that... dadadaaaah! I kissed a boy last weekend!
ok, a "man", as my mother forced me to clarify. But that sounds like I kissed some old guy. Which I did not.
Will I ever be able to use the terms man or woman, instead of 'girl' or 'boy' without feeling like it sounds so so beyond my age? Ok, after I'm 40, I promise I'll start referring to myself as a "woman" instead of as a girl.
In the meantime, the kissin' was hot-awesome... and I barely got any cooties!

This, by the way, was my first makeout as the relatively newly swingin' single that I am. So far so good. If I can just stay single for at least a year, I will be satisfied.
After 4 years following directly on 1 year of "serious relationship" I really need to go on lots and lots and lots of dates.


man, 4 years. that is so strange. I feel like nothing happened that whole time. Like it was just waiting and hovering. I'm a little bit scared about the reality of the difference between my life now and my life as girlfriend hitting in a painful way.
Maybe I'll never get really sad. Does that mean I'm psychotic? Or that I was just never all the way there in the first place? and if not, what the shit was I doing there for so long?
Evilly, but honestly, it was really convenient. It helped me get what I wanted. But I never fully engaged.

Though, I was, briefly, engaged. hahahahahaha.

pansycline at 12:52 a.m.

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