
hey, could this be Monday?!

Ok, this is what happened today:
1. I woke up, realized that it was January 2 and that I had successfully put off the majority of the work on my application to Harvard until the day it was due, yes, today.
2. Spent the next 8 hours doing that. Finished with 12 minutes to spare (all hail ye online applications).

And in the meantime...
3. My cat vomited twice on the floor.

4. I found out that my last 2 bill payments of just under 100$ each, for phone and power, having exited my bank account, were not credited to my phone and power accounts.

5. I received an e-mail from the prof for whom I finished grading final exams yesterday that the calculations of the final grades were done to the wrong percentage and I might have to redo them.

6. I did not have to redo them b/c he is going to but meanwhile holy vomit stress.

7. I received an e-mail from the prof for whom I am a research assistant that works on things at home when she has time and for whom I have done next to no work in the past few months. She would very much like to have a meeting this week to see my progress, and is hoping to complete the project in the next couple of months! Good-bye summer job. Good-bye sleep before Friday.

8. I realized that the other application that I am doing today, being due on the 4th, has to be mailed tomorrow -- and not only mailed, but Purolatored, to get there by the next day, and, in fact I have to send two separate envelopes via Purolator b/c of the screwy way that Florida State does its "International" applications. Sure. Canada is "international" now. Gimme back my softwood lumber. (And water. And, uh, maple syrup.) Goodbye between 45 and 60$ that I do not have.

9. I received an e-mail from the former head T.A. of the online course [for which I am (probably mistakenly) T.A-ing again this semester b/c I need the money], saying that 80 [80!!] final exams were misplaced and that when (if -- oh god I hope they're gone forever) they are found, the T.A.s who are sticking around for the lovely semester to come must divide them amongst themselves and grade them.
Probably next week, when I have a visitor.

10. I had to ask my parents for money today.

If it weren't for the fact that I am positively giddy (yes, me, giddy) about a boy, I would probably be tearing my eyeballs out right now, frying them, and feeding the homeless with them. As it is, I'm sort of not looking forward to the immense pile of tasks facing me in the next week. And I really wish someone would deliver me 2 litres of diet Pepsi, a bag of ground coffee, a bag of sugar, and some cream, because I'm running really low. In fact, I am out of coffee and diet P. Also, some bananas and some apples. And don't make me pay you back.

pansycline at 10:01 p.m.

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