
ballz ballz ballz

I am tired now.


Yeah right. Wednesday should be called, "Fuck-it Day." That's where they got Humpday from in the first place. But it got Mr. Rogersized. Not my fault.

Tomorrow I have to get up at 6am and be at a conference from 9 to 7 [though the last hour is wine and chez]. I'm chairing 2 panels. I've never chaired a panel before. I've kicked one or two in, but using my foot not a chair. I hope I don't try to tell any jokes. I'll be too tired to know if they're funny or not. But I'll guess not, and then be awkward and embarassed for the remaining 1h 25 minutes of the panel and instead of properly thanking everyone for coming and asking such wonderfully insightful questions I'll say something like, "Well, time's up!" and then leave. Chahhhhhh-ming.

le poor little me.

my thesis is the balls. ladyballs, though, thankfully. balls balls balls. what a great fucking word.

pansycline at 7:34 p.m.

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